Monday, July 28, 2014

film concepts

Julia Feldman 

In the fictional drama “The Green Mile” written by David Tattersall many different filming strategies were used.  Due to the fact that this movie was not meant to be funny or romantic, the person who filmed the movie went very close to the people in the movie.  They also moved around a lot and had bright lights shining on the actors who were being sent to their death.  This method that is being used is called cinematography, this is when the movement and positioning is done in a certain way to make a point to the viewers. On the other hand, in the romantic drama “The Notebook” written by Nicholas Sparks and directed by Nick Cassavetes, the typical themes that are used in romance movies were used here as well.  The idea of overcoming obstacles and searching for love is used a lot in this film also.  The method of formalism was used in creating this movie.  The director and writer got into the minds of the actors and made the film represent how they really felt.  When you think about the typical romantic movie, “The Notebook” is the first one that comes to mind, this is because Nicholas Sparks and Nick Cassavetes did their job in making the movie as memorable as they could.  

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Tina Fey interview

Tina Fey wants to be viewed as a funny, nice, and respectful actress.  As the interviewer asks her questions she responds in a joking matter.  She keeps her interviews interesting by making jokes.  Not only does she joke about her career but also she makes her life relatable to others.  In this interview David Letterman is asking her about her career as an actress but she is able to talk about her home life with her children as well.  Tina Fey also says that she is used to being papered and that when she is out of work she notices that it is a lot harder to keep up with her “look”. Tina tries to keep a positive and polite image of her my always saying thank you and being respectful.  She talks about her children and how she takes care of them while also keeping up with her career.  She talks about how people view her physical appearance and how she cannot always keep up with her “celebrity” look.  In all, I would say that Tina Fey is someone who wants people to think she can handle a lot and still be a good mother.  While being funny she also is respectful and interesting. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


My dream would be to open a dance school for the special needs population.  This logo represents the academy by showing movement in the dancer and words being curved.  the movement represents how as a dancer you are free to move how you want to.  The color purple represents  royalty and showing that know matter how much money you have, how you learn or how you act, you still are royal and should be treated equally.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

personal documentary

If I were to make a documentary it would be about my progress in dance.  Over the past fifteen years I have grown so much in the dance world.  At the age of 3 my mom took me to my first class at Michele’s Dance Studio.  She tells me all the time that as soon as I step foot into the dance room fifteen years ago she new that I would still be there today.  Just like any other sport; dance takes hours and hours of practice, time, concentration, and most importantly dedication.  In the documentary I would express how important it is to take something you love seriously and show that hard work pays off.  The documentary would be a mix between Performative and Participatory; not only would the film show the progress but it will also motivate people to try there hardest.  To make the documentary a little more interesting I would interview my dance teachers that have watched me dance for most of my life.  Many people my age say that they are going to stick to something but never really do, I want to be able to show people that even if you struggle at the beginning if you work hard enough and dedicate yourself then it is all worth it in the end.  

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Julia Feldman and Vanessa Lewinsky 

After only being at BU for two days, there has been a large amount of couples showing their affection for each other in public. We went around the East side of the campus asking students what they feel about PDA (public display of affection). We started with our friend named Harrison who told us, "...not when its light outside." We next went to a student named Kelly who said, "I don't want to see that while walking around campus. I have a boyfriend and I have never kissed him in public." As we kept walking we asked BU student Lisa how she felt about the issue. She replied, "A little is okay, nothing too crazy though." Although most people find PDA disturbing, we did find two students who replied with surprising responses. Thomas stated, "it doesn't bother me." The last people we asked was a couple who replied, "we love it."  After asking all of the students about how the felt we came to the conclusion that most people do not appreciate PDA but if it must be done most said that it can only be hand holding.  Besides the very few students that said they did not mind it or they even loved it, most students here at BU would rather not see and public display of affection.